Homeschooled By Spirit – Volume 2
"Homeschooled By Spirit – Volume 2” is a compilation of 365 lessons for spiritual living received by Anyas from her indwelling Spirit and celestial guidance team during her morning stillness practice.
Anyas shares this rich spiritual food with the heartfelt intention to encourage others to be steadfast and proactive in their spiritual quest.
Ask Spirit to homeschool you, and you will be at the receiving end of a customized curriculum, wisely imparted to you on a need-to-know basis. It will help you foster a rewarding living relationship with the Divine and his benevolent associates.
By asking, you set the process in motion. Follow through by turning within in an attitude of humble receptivity to spend regular quality time with Spirit.

Homeschooled By Spirit – Volume 1
"Homeschooled By Spirit – Volume 1” is a compilation of 365 lessons for spiritual living received by Anyas from her indwelling Spirit and celestial guidance team during her morning stillness practice.
Anyas shares this rich spiritual food with the heartfelt intention to encourage others to be steadfast and proactive in their spiritual quest.
Ask Spirit to homeschool you, and you will be at the receiving end of a customized curriculum, wisely imparted to you on a need-to-know basis. It will help you foster a rewarding living relationship with the Divine and his benevolent associates.
By asking, you set the process in motion. Follow through by turning within in an attitude of humble receptivity to spend regular quality time with Spirit.

The Inner Sherpa - Daily Manna from Above (Volume 3)
"The Inner Sherpa—Daily Manna from Above – Volume 3" is a 350-page compilation of the daily messages received by Anyas from her Indwelling Spirit over the course of one year during her Stillness practice. After an already colorful and challenging spiritual journey, she came to the point where she wished to hear from her Still Small Voice and to become a receiver of celestial messages. As she thought she was not making much progress, she started rereading the journal entries made during her morning meditations. This is when she realized that Spirit had been talking to her all along.
Anyas is sharing her spiritual treasure chest, as well as the tools she collected in her spiritual toolbox, with the heartfelt intention to encourage others to initiate their own treasure hunt by cultivating their relationship with their Indwelling Spirit and their Guides. "Manna from Above" is a daily spiritual practice — a diverse spiritual menu from which you can pick and choose what most appeals to your spiritual taste buds.

The Inner Sherpa - Daily Manna from Above (Volume 2)
Notification of New Book Release — an 11:11 Document, by Anyas Spencer Edited by George Barnard
"The Inner Sherpa—Daily Manna from Above – Volume 2" is a 383-page compilation of the daily messages received by Anyas from her Indwelling Spirit over the course of one year during her Stillness practice. After an already colorful and challenging spiritual journey, she came to the point where she wished to hear from her Still Small Voice and to become a receiver of celestial messages. As she thought she was not making much progress, she started rereading the journal entries made during her morning meditations. This is when she realized that Spirit had been talking to her all along.
Anyas is sharing her spiritual treasure chest, as well as the tools she collected in her spiritual toolbox, with the heartfelt intention to encourage others to initiate their own treasure hunt by cultivating their relationship with their Indwelling Spirit and their Guides. "Manna from Above" is a daily spiritual practice — a diverse spiritual menu from which you can pick and choose what most appeals to your spiritual taste buds.

The Inner Sherpa - Daily Manna from Above (Volume 1)
"The Inner Sherpa--Daily Manna From Above" is a compilation of the daily messages received by Anyas from her Indwelling Spirit over the course of one year during her morning Stillness practice. She is sharing her spiritual treasure chest, as well as the tools she collected in her spiritual toolbox, with the heartfelt intention to encourage others to initiate their own treasure hunt by cultivating their relationship with their Indwelling Spirit and their Guides.
"Manna from Above" is daily spiritual practice--a diverse spiritual menu from which one can pick and choose what most appeals to your spiritual taste buds. Just as the actual manna daily fell from the skies to feed the Israelites wandering through the desert, the Divine is providing us with spiritual manna--a nutritious spiritual breakfast--intended to feed each soul according to its most immediate needs. All we need to do is spend time in the Stillness in order to listen and to receive.